Thursday, March 23, 2006

Oh attitude check one two, one two

So Portland. Yeah. Reminded me of the promise to self--set a limit, don't exceed it. Or, as in Portland, exceed it with all of your might.

Didn't win diddly. I'm not it this year. But I did see why not. I'm not naive either. But that is my other life. Time to act normal for a minute.

Quick minute.

Did I mention that I absolutely adore my boss? She is the bombdigity. I almost made her cry today. Which was cool in a feel good kinda way. That's why us women don't be gettin' nowhere...staying for "the people".

And I'm paid well and there is no stress and I'm having time to play...

Speaking of play. Vintage retro anyone? Kicked up with a modern twist? Kind of on the edge but close enough to coolness beyond cool? Boyfriend's b-day present...check[ish]. I love it. I'll keep it for myself. Maybe I'll share...just with him. Already got the cool sentimental gift tagged as well.

Which reminds me--yes. Yes I do love to do it (get your mind out of the gutter) when I am doing it for the right reasons (a bit more of Portland in perspective...short story longer, I love the scrap stuff when I'm doing it for those who appreciate it instead of those who judge it).

Go with it.

So this weekend I need to crash and burn. Been go, go, go and just want to flow now. Got some really COOL curtains/swaggy things. They won't be actual curtains cause I kinda sorta got those. But now that I have a fantastic iron and sticky hemmy stuff to play with, I'll make some curtains. But back to the cool ones. Suede...and rich colors and beads and imagery. Love it. Love them. Wait till I take a picture. Speaking of pictures...remember that blog? Time to post some jealousy slots of the fantastically wild view I have from my joint. And then some.

Last reminder...send out more invites. Yeah.

I'm random. It's one of those days.

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